Caseificio San Giorgio

In those Countries where the cheese culture is developed, there are numberless kinds of local dishes based on this ingredient.
Most classic recipes, handed down by our grandmothers, are nowadays revisited and offered on our tables.

Together with the pride of producing cheeses which are appreciated in several Countries, where there are different alimentary habits, we love interpreting our consumers tastes and trying to combine them with tradition and the culinary art.

Among several recipes, we suggest:

"Ricotta Cake"

Ingredients for 6 servings
600 g ricotta, 200 g grated pecorino, 3 eggs, butter, basil, parsley, salt, pepper, nutmeg

Preparation of the batter
Sift the ricotta letting it fall in a large bowl, add and mix the grated pecorino (leave a tablespoon apart), 3 beaten egg yolk (put apart the white eggs, and whip them until stiff), a handful of ground basil and parsley, salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg. Add the white eggs whipped until stiff, mixing gently. Pour the batter into a buttered and floured pan.

Level the surface, dust it with the remaining pecorino and bake the batter into a preheated oven on a low flame for 30 minutes. Take the ricotta cake out of the oven, let it cool and serve.

"Sicilian Cassata"

Sicilian Cassata

Base ingredient
A "Pan di Spagna" cake of about 400 g
(see "Pan di Spagna" recipe)
Ingredients for the filling
200 g sugar, 700 g ricotta, 200 g candied pumpkin, citron, little orange peels, 100 g bitter chocolate, 1/2 glass of water, semi-sec liquor
Ingredients for the frosting
1 glass of sugar, 1 glass of water, 1/2 glass of Maraschino

Sift the ricotta; dissolve the sugar on the ring in a little water until the liquid becomes stringy; add the ricotta and the sugar syrup, whip quickly in order to avoid the forming of lumps until having obtained a very thin cream. Add the chocolate, the citron, the fruit, the chopped candied pumpkins, blend and put it in the fridge. Prepare a maraschino syrup boiling water and sugar, until they become stringy and pouring the maraschino. After cool it, slice the cake into two pieces, or better into three (so that the cassata will be softer). Sprinkle them with the maraschino syrup. Spread the ricotta cream over the lower layer (level it with the blade of a knife), cover it with the other piece of cake. Ice the cassata and then decorate it with pieces of candied fruit.


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